We specialize in business valutions for the real world transaction.

   With 20 years industry experience, David Bandars provides a unique service to small and medium sized businesses throughout the United States.  Founded in 1998, RPR has valued, sold, and consulted on  businesses within many different industries including retail, service, professional practices and construction.

Compare Valuation Services

Calculation of Value

A calculation of value is when the analyst and the business owner select a specific calculation method to be used to come up with the valuation of the target business.  Both review five to ten different valuation calculations and together determine which is the most appropriate for the required pupose.

Certified Valuation

A certified valuation requires the analyst to reach deeper into the investigative process and research comparable sales data, economic and industry conditions.  The report will contain the highest level of detail and depth and will most likely cost the client 30% - 75% more than a corresponding Calculation of Value report.  The analyst follows a prescribed process with financial details from the client.